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Love Mankato

Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Kairos Outreach Ministry would like to invite you to join us for our first Love Mankato! For two days we will be going after the heart of God in prayer, worship and outreach. Our goal is to unite the body of Christ, for two days in a city-wide outreach, to reach our city with the love of Jesus Christ. 

Thursday night July 25th will be our launch event where we will have a short gospel training and orientation for Love Mankato! The training is required for anyone participating in Love Mankato outreaches. You are not required to be at the Thursday night training if you have done our gospel training before or participated in Love Twin Cities in the past. Our training is an opportunity to grow in partnering with Jesus in inviting people into the Kingdom of God. During our training we will go over basic rules of engagement, and outlining how our outreaches and prayer room work. 

All outreaches convene at Covenant Family Church 709 N Riverfront Dr. Mankato MN 56001

How it works

The first step is to sign-up for Love Mankato, then chose ether a 4 hour outreach set or a two hour prayer set. We want to encourage you to sign up for multiple sets and to join us for both days! 

Example of a 4 hour outreach set: you will check-in upon arrival, then participate in prayer/worship for the first 45mins, then meet with your outreach leader for instructions and briefing for 15mins, teams then will go to outreach locations in personal cars or in provided transportation 15mins. Teams will be out for 2 hours for outreach, then 15mins transit back and 30mins for debrief. 

From 8am until 12am our goal is to have continues prayer and worship going on at a base local with teams going through-out the city sharing the love of Jesus with various acts of love and in sharing the gospel. Each Prayer Set will have a prayer leader, to help share prayer points, and give orientation as needed.

Join us in reaching people with the love of Jesus! Love Mankato is an opportunity for the church to grow in the unity of Jesus Christ live a lifestyle of intimacy and mission. We are called to know God and to make Him known throughout the world, starting right where we are!